Hearts in Hawai'i

Kinetic Ride #8

Third day in a row on the Kinetic (a first), and it was almost my fastest ride to date, averaging 15.45 mph. I started riding more in fifth gear (big chain is in the middle cog on this 21 gear hybrid bicycle), because I basically had trouble spinning fast enough in fourth gear to keep my speed up. My legs are getting stronger with each ride, it seems. It certainly is evident when I climb the stairs at home or at the office!

Today's stats: 20 miles rode, 1:17:39 time, avg. speed 15.45, 970 calories burned, avg. heart rate 137, max heart rate 148, 12.49 calories per minute, 48.50 calories per mile.

Year-to-date: 8 rides, 142.15 miles, 9.57 hrs rode, 7,367 calories burned, avg. speed 14.85 mph.

Next: 10/14/2014--Kinetic Ride #9

Previous: 10/11/2014--Kinetic Ride #7

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last updated november 15, 2021