Hearts in Hawai'i

Kinetic Ride #7

Following yesterday's ride, I brought the bike down to Ski Hut and they were able to rewire my odometer to my back tire. Now my mileage stats will be exact and not just an estimate. It made a huge difference in my pacing as I can now see my speed and use a mileage goal rather than a time goal.

Today's stats: 20 miles rode, 1:21:42 time, avg. speed 14.68, 1,025 calories burned, avg. heart rate 137, max heart rate 151, 12.54 calories per minute, 51.25 calories per mile.

Year-to-date: 7 rides, 122.15 miles, 8.3 hrs rode, 6,397 calories burned, avg. speed 14.75 mph.

Next: 10/12/2014--Kinetic Ride #8

Previous: 10/10/2014--Kinetic Ride #6

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last updated november 15, 2021