Hearts in Hawai'i

Our Trip to Door County (2023)--Day 4

Cave Point County Park

The weather had been quite nice here with highs mostly around 70 degrees and we would enjoy one more similar day until things were forecast to change drastically on Wednesday. The smoke from Canadian fires had created a slight haze for the past couple of days, but nothing like what we had experienced in Proctor prior to starting this trip.

After a slight misdirection yesterday, finding Cave Point County Park this morning was a snap. This is a quite small park completely contained within Whitefish Dunes State Park and it sits alongside the Lake Michigan shore. Eons of wave erosion had created these caves under the supporting limestone and made for a plethora of photo ops. We had a great time walking around and seeing everything here, stopping to chat with a lady who was walking her Great Pyrenees dog (they are huge!). After deparing, we drove north to check out Jacksonport before heading back across the peninsula to Egg Harbor.

This and the next seven pictures are at Cave Point County Park

Tonight’s dinner was at Casey’s Smokehouse BBQ and was while it was cheap, my meal of Italian Sausage was merely average. The upside was that we did eat heartily for less than $50 pre-tip.

My Italian Sausage plate at Casey's BBQ & Smokehouse

Patty's BBQ Chicken Salad at Casey's

Tonight featured out schedule Sunset Live Music Cruise on the Norra Dorr at the Sister Bay Marina, a boat with a capacity of 149 people. Tonight there were less than 40 on board, allowing us to easily mill about, moving from place to place in search of good photo ops. And there were plenty of ops to be had! We had the pleasure of chatting with a lady who was sporting a Canon DSLR camera, discussing Door County—she and her husband had been making several trips a year up here so she had a lot of information to share. When I told her we hadn’t had a bad meal here yet, she replied that bad restaurants don’t last because they rely on locals and word of mouth spreads fast if a place isn’t up to par. Makes sense!

We were hoping for a great sunset but some clouds moved in and obscured viewing this anticipated moment. But we still had a great time on the water with nice scenery.

Our boat, the Nora Dorr

Caught this pic of a nesting Bald Eagle. Why so blurry? The shot was made at 300mm and then heavily cropped. We were too far away to get a crisp shot.

Limestone caves caused by years of erosion

Eagle Tower (we'll be visiting that tomorrow!) at Peninsula State Park

Eagle Bluff Lighthouse

Back to Egg Harbor and Patty was in bed by 10:00. Hopefully tomorrow’s cool down won’t prevent our getting out there and exploring Peninsula State Park!

Next: 5/24/2023--Our Trip to Door County (2023)--Day 5

Previous: 5/22/2023--Our Trip to Door County (2023)--Day 3

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last updated may 29, 2023