Hearts in Hawai'i

Looking Ahead To Retirement

After working for my current employer for 38 years, and being eligible for the PERA Rule of 90 for the past few years, I've reached a point where in about seven months I'll be working for nothing. That is to say, I would be making as much in retirement as I would be by continuing to work. Do I love my job? Let's just say it's the best job I've ever had. Am I tired of some of the bullshit politics and by what I see going on within the confines of my job site? Absolutely. It's been that way for at least three years but has grown worse in the past year.

And so the countdown has been going on since March 2017. As of today, the countdown is under 250 days.

How will I handle and react to retirement? I have no way of knowing--this is totally uncharted territory to me. I can plan for what I'm going to do but one doesn't fully comprehend and appreciate how much of their self-worth is tied to what they do for a living until they're no longer doing it. Everybody I've talked to from my place of employment who has retired echoes the same sentiment--retire while you can and you'll love it. I'm hopeful they're right. I believe this will hold true for me.

Time will tell, but off the top of my head I can think of at least a half dozen things I'd rather do than get up each weekday morning and deal with the drive down I-35 to downtown Duluth.

Next: 3/27/2020--The Final Goodbye

Previous: 1/20/2019--Chipotle Chili Turkey

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last updated november 22, 2021