Hearts in Hawai'i

Kinetic Ride #4

After yesterday's two hour ride, I was wondering how my legs would stand up to the rigors of another ride. As it turned out, they did just fine, resulting in my fastest ride yet. I've started doing intervals of a minute hard, a minute recovery. I did this for ten minutes today.

On a personal note, today is the 24th anniversary of my first date with Patty. Where have the years gone??

Today's stats: 15.30 miles rode, 1:00:00 time, avg. speed 15.30, 798 calories burned, avg. heart rate 142, max heart rate 155, 13.30 calories per minute, 52.16 calories per mile.

Year-to-date: 4 rides, 70.60 miles, 4.75 hrs rode, 3,672 calories burned, avg. speed 14.86 mph.

Next: 10/8/2014--Kinetic Ride #5

Previous: 10/5/2014--Kinetic Ride #3

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last updated november 15, 2021