Hearts in Hawai'i

Kinetic Ride #2

When I got home from work today, I had another package waiting at our front door--it was the Kinetic riser ring!

This is a very simple rubberized item, designed to fit under your bicycle's front tire. There are four different heights to choose from. I chose the lowest height, since my rear tire isn't elevated more than an inch to an inch and a half when mounted on the Kinetic. Despite having a rubberized bottom, this tends to slide around a little when on a concrete floor. A towel placed under the riser alleviated this "problem", and I was off on another ride.

Bicycle odometers are almost always set up with the pick-up sensor on the front tire, but only my rear tire moves on the Kinetic! I'll have to haul the bike down to Ski Hut and see if they can adapt this to the rear tire; it shouldn't be a problem for them.

Today's stats: 11.1 miles rode, 0:45:00 time, avg. speed 14.80, 576 calories burned, avg. heart rate 139, max heart rate 148, 12.80 calories per minute, 51.89 calories per mile.

Year-to-date: 2 rides, 26.30 miles, 1.75 hrs rode, 1,366 calories burned, avg. speed 15.03 mph.

Next: 10/5/2014--Kinetic Ride #3

Previous: 10/2/2014--Kinetic Ride #1

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last updated november 15, 2021